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Architectural Consulting

Input from a design professional in the early stages of a project is crucial:

  • Work out a realistic budget and project timeline
  • Understand permit requirements
  • Prepare a comprehensive project plan

Ultimately – begin your project with confidence!

In almost 20 years of experience as a project manager, I’ve seen many clients embark on a project plagued by anxiety and overwhelm.

There are so many decisions to make. Big ones: which property to buy? Which contractor to hire? Three thousand four hundred and sixty two small ones: which flooring? which tile? which sink? which grout? which door hardware? do we really need that extra thing? I’ve never heard of it but Joe says the code requires it.

It’s enough to make you decide maybe you can rock on with your old setup after all. Almost.

One couple confided to me that the stress of their kitchen remodel almost landed them in divorce court. Five years later they were looking to redo the living room and master suite – with trepidation.

Some get hit with nasty surprises, like the client who hired a contractor to do a “simple remodel” and didn’t realize the project was subject to scrutiny by her town’s zoning board. Month after month went by while she battled her way through the variance process – months without the rental income that she had been counting on from that tenant space.

How can anyone possibly be prepared?

It boils down to this: you won’t find the answers you need if you don’t know what questions to ask.

This is where architectural consulting comes in.

As an experienced design professional, I have analyzed properties, researched permit requirements, generated design options, prepared scope of work statements, drawn up plans, consulted with engineers, and provided support for new construction and remodel projects from beginning to end.

I’ve helped people make their dreams come true. I’ve navigated the bumps in the road. I’ve learned from the worst case scenarios. Over and over, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t.

I’ve also seen the joy that comes from having a project go smoothly. There’s a formula to follow: being clear on the project objectives from the beginning, putting together a qualified team, understanding the timeline, having the paperwork ready, and being prepared for the unknowns.

I’m happy to help you put that formula to work for your project.

Even if you are just in the “idea stage,” get in touch. Let’s talk about what’s involved in making those ideas a reality.

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